World War II
The Second World War was the first total
war—Conducted on a huge scale, producing
shattering scientific and technical advances,
involving whole populations including
civilians and resulting in an aftermath of
enormous change in the political structure of
the world. The very vastness of the phenomenon
has inevitably produced a mass of
writing and comment, much of it overspecialised
or vulgarly simplified as far as
the general reader is concerned. None of
it encompasses the whole drama in an
easily accessible form.
World War II written by one of the world's
greatest acknowledged experts on the
subject, succeeds in encompassing for the
first time within a single volume the entire
scale of the Second World War, covering
principal events and personalities, fluently
narrating its course from 1 939 to the immediate
postwar period and presenting a
lucid account of the all-important political
background. In addition, Henri Michel gives
a clear picture of the aftermath of the war
and indicates the almost cataclysmic
influence it had on political boundaries and
postwar technology. Maps and photographs
further reinforce the clarity of the author's
The result is a study of unique brevity and
authority which will be an invaluable guide
to the reader who is looking for an intelligently
condensed version of all the essential
aspects of World War II, and will be equally
welcomed by those familiar with some of its
aspects and requiring a readily accessible
balanced general view of the event.
World War II
- Introduction
- Fighting Forces at the Start of the War
- The Polish Campaign
- The Phoney War
- The Battle of France
- The Battle of Britain
- The War in Africa
- The Invasion of Russia
- The Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbour and the Japanese Victories
- The Axis Empires
- The Italian Empire
- The German Occupation of Europe
- Greater Japanese Asia
- The Collaborators
- The Vichy Government
- The Prisoners of War
- The Terror of the SS
- Concentration Camps
- The Underground Resistance
- The Allies and the Resistance
- The Resistance in Western Europe
- The Resistance in Central and Eastern Europe
- The Resistance in China
- The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Great Alliance
- The Turning Point of the War
- The Anglo-American Collaboration
- The Teheran Conference
- The British War Effort
- The Arsenal of Democracy
- The Mobilization in Soviet Russia
- The Allied Strategy in Europe and Asia
- The Tunisian Campaign
- The Italian Campaign
- The Bombing of Germany
- The Landings in Normandy and Provence
- The Victories of the Red Army
- The Defeat and Surrender of Germany
- The Defeat and Surrender ofJapan
- The Conferences at Yalta and Potsdam
- The Fate of Germany
- The Polish Question
- Central Europe
- The Colonial Empires
- The Tate ofJapan
- The United Nations Organization
- Losses and Destruction
- Europe
- Asia
- Soviet Russia
- The United States
- The Age of Science and Technology
- The Russian Front