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2-04-2015, 21:30

Further Reading

Allison PM (ed.) (1999) The Archaeology of Household Activities.

London and New York: Routledge.

Allison PM (2004) Pompeii Households: Analysis of the Material Culture. Monograph 42. Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA. On-line companion: Http://www. stoa. org/ Pompeianhouseholds.

Blanton RE (1994) Houses and Households: A Comparative Study. Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology. London and New York: Plenum Press.

Brandon JC and Barile KS (2004) The Chore of Defining the Household: Theorizing the Domestic Sphere in Historical Archaeology. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press.

Cahill N (2002) Household and City Organization at Olynthus.

New Haven: Yale University Press.

David N (1971) The Fulani compound and the archaeologists.

World Archaeology 3.1: 111-131.

Kent S (1984) Analyzing Activity Areas: An Ethnoarchaeological Study of the Use of Space. Alberquerque: University of New Mexico.

Lawrence S (2000) Dolly’s Creek. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.

Marcus J (2004) Mayan commoners: The stereotype and the reality. In: LohseJC and Valdez F (eds.) Ancient Mayan Commoners, pp. 255-283. Austin: University of Texas Press.

Nevett L (1999) House and Society in the Ancient Greek World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Rapoport A (1990) The Meaning of the Built Environment: A Nonverbal Communication Approach. Tucson: University of Arizona.

Smith M (1992) Braudel’s temporal rhythms and chronology theory in archaeology. In: Knapp AB (ed.) Archaeology, Annales and Ethnohistory, pp. 23-34. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Stanish C (1989) Household archaeology: Testing models of zonal complementarity in the South Central Andes. American Anthropologist 91.1: 7-24.

Wilk RR and Rathje WL (eds.) (1982) Archaeology of the household: Building a prehistoryof domestic life. American Behavioral Scientist, 25.6: 611-725.

Yaeger J and Robin C (2004) Heterogeneous hinterlands: The social and political organization of commoner settlements near Xunan-tunich, Belize. In: Lohse JC and Valdez F (eds.) Ancient Mayan Commoners, pp. 147-173. Austin: University of Texas Press.

Human Evolution See: Modern Humans, Emergence of.

