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5-05-2015, 00:56

Further Reading

Calabrese JA (2000) Interregional interaction in southern Africa: Zhizo and Leopard’s Kopje relations in northern South Africa, southwestern Zimbabwe, and eastern Botswana, AD 1000 to 1200. African Archaeological Review 17: 183-210.

Campbell AC, Denbow JR, and Wilmsen EN (1994) Paintings like engravings: Rock art at Tsodilo. In: Dowson T and Lewis-Williams D (eds.) Contested Images: Diversity in Southern African Rock Art Research, pp. 131-158. Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press.

Denbow JR (1990) Congo to Kalahari: Data and hypotheses about the political economy of the western stream of the Early Iron Age. African Archaeological Review 8: 139-176.

Denbow JR (2002) Stolen Places: Archaeology and the politics of identity in the later prehistory of the Kalahari. In: Falola T and Jennings C (eds.) Africanizing Knowledge: African Studies Across the Disciplines, pp. 345-374. Transaction Publishers Rutgers: Summerset.

Denbow JR and Thebe PC (2006) Culture and Customs of Botswana. Westport: Greenwood Press.

Denbow JR and Wilmsen EN (1986) The advent and course of pastoralism in the Kalahari. Science 234: 1509-1515.

Huffman TN (2005) The stylistic origin of Bambata and the spread of mixed farming in southern Africa. Southern African Humanities 17: 57-79.

Lane P, Reid A, and Segobye A (1998) Ditswa Mmung: The Archaeology ofBotswana. Gaborone: Pula Press and the Botswana Society.

Leslie M and Maggs T (eds.) (2000) Goodwin Series, Vol. 8: African Naissance: The Limpopo Valley 1000 years Ago. Cape Town: South African Archaeological Society.

Miller D (1996) The Tsodilo Jewellery: Metal Work from Northern Botswana. Rondebosch: University of Cape Town Press.

Miller D (2001) Metal assemblages from the Greefswald sites, South Africa: K2, Mapungubwe southern terrace, and Mapun-gubwe hill. South African Archaeological Bulletin 56: 83-103.

Robbins LH, Murphy ML, and Campbell AC (1998) Intensive mining of specular hematite in the Kalahari ca. AD 800-1000. Current Anthropology 39: 144-149.

Robbins LH, Murphy ML, Brook GA, et al. (2000) Archaeology, palaeoenvironment, and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings Rock Shelter, northwest Kalahari Desert, Botswana. Journal ofArchaeological Science 27: 1085-1113.

Robbins LH, Campbell AC, Murphy ML, Brook GA, Srivastava P, and Badenhorst S (2005) The advent of herding in southern Africa: Early AMS dates on domestic livestock from the Kalahari Desert. Current Anthropology 46: 671-677.

