Radicals and peasants were not the only ones to be met by violence, for the Reformation
brought with it more than one hundred years of religious war in Europe. What
we might term round 1 of these wars, from 1529 to 1555, involved Zwinglians, Lutherans,
and Catholics in Switzerland and Germany; round 2, from 1560 to 1609, involved
Catholics and Calvinists in France and the Netherlands; and round 3, the Thirty Years
War from 1618 to 1648, involved nearly all of Europe. Thus one of the consequences of
the Reformation was an increased chance of being killed for one’s own religious beliefs,
the beliefs of one’s ruler, or simply by accident in a religious war. All of these wars involved
political and dynastic issues as well as religious ones. Indeed, it is probably misleading to
separate the two, for rulers and others who held political power clearly did not.
Switzerland in the early sixteenth century was offi cially a part of the Holy Roman
Empire, though it was really a loose confederation of thirteen largely autonomous
cantons. The cantons were often hostile to one another, and powers from outside the
Swiss Confederation, particularly the papacy and France, could take advantage of these
tensions. Popes, the kings of France, and emperors also used Switzerland as a source
of mercenaries, paying large pensions to Swiss military captains to act as recruiting
offi cers and commanders. Along with calling for religious reforms, Zwingli called for
an end to the mercenary system, what he termed “trading blood for gold.” This did not
mean that he rejected military action to further his aims, however. As the leader of the
Zurich city council, he made a number of treaties with other cantons that had accepted
reform, and those that had not also formed an alliance. These Catholic cantons allied
themselves with Ferdinand, the Habsburg ruler of Austria, which Zwingli countered by
planning a grand anti-Habsburg alliance involving France, England, and many other
states of Europe. This never materialized, but the two sides met militarily in 1531 at
Kappel, just south of Zurich, a battle in which Zwingli was killed.
Both sides quickly decided that a treaty was preferable to further fi ghting; the treaty
basically allowed each canton to determine its own religion, and ordered each side to
give up its foreign alliances. This weakened the unity of the Swiss Confederation and
did not stop mercenary recruitment, but it did establish a policy of neutrality that is
still characteristic of modern Switzerland.
At the same time as Protestants and Catholics were forming military alliances in
Switzerland, political authorities were doing the same in Germany. Hoping to end religious
divisions, the Emperor Charles V (ruled 1519–56) called an Imperial Diet in
1530, to meet at Augsburg. Luther’s associate Melanchthon developed a statement of
faith, later called the Augsburg Confession (or Confessio Augustana in Latin), and the
Protestant princes presented this to the emperor. He refused to accept it and ordered
all Protestants to return to the Catholic church and give up any confi scated church
property. This threat backfi red, and Protestant territories in the Empire – mostly
north German princes and south German cities – formed a military alliance called
the Schmalkaldic League, with the Augsburg Confession as its statement of belief. The
Augsburg Confession remained an authoritative statement of belief for many Lutheran
churches, especially those outside of Germany, for centuries, while a subsequent statement
of belief, the Formula of Concord, drawn up in 1577, was accepted by the majority
of German Lutherans. (Several Lutheran colleges in the United States are named
Augsburg, Augustana, and Concordia in honor of these statements.) Luther altered
his ideas about the right of resistance somewhat; though private persons were never to
oppose their rulers, those who had political authority, such as princes, could oppose
those above them in a political hierarchy, such as the pope and emperor, when they
were clearly in league with the Anti-Christ.
The emperor could not respond militarily to the Schmalkaldic League, as he was
in the midst of a series of wars with the French – the Habsburg–Valois wars, fought
in Italy and along the eastern and southern borders of France – and the Turks under
Süleyman the Magnifi cent had taken much of Hungary and besieged Vienna. The 1530s
and early 1540s saw complicated political maneuvering among many of the powers
of Europe. The emperor, the pope, France, England, Protestant and Catholic princes
and cities in Germany, Scotland, Sweden, Denmark, and even the Turks made and
broke alliances, and the Habsburg–Valois rivalry continued to be played out militarily.
Various attempts were made to heal the religious split with a church council, but the
intransigence on both sides made it increasingly clear that this would not be possible,
and that war was inevitable. Charles V realized that he was fi ghting not only for religious
unity, but also for a more unifi ed state against territorial rulers who wanted to
maintain their independence. He was thus defending both church and Empire.
Fighting began in 1546, and initially the emperor was very successful, taking a number
of Protestant leaders captive and forcing the south German cities to come to terms
with him. This success alarmed the pope, however, who did not want Charles to become
so powerful that he could limit papal authority in Germany. He withdrew papal
troops, and Charles called an Imperial Diet in an attempt to end the war. The agreement
drawn up at this Diet created only a temporary lull in the fi ghting, and Protestant
rulers regrouped, allying themselves with the French. The French were Catholic, but
by this time territorial rulers were more concerned with limiting the power of the emperor
than with religious ideology.
After a brief period of fi ghting, both sides agreed to a Diet to draw up a more permanent
settlement. Neither the emperor nor papal representatives were present at this
Diet, so the main actors were the territorial rulers, and the agreement they drew up,
the Peace of Augsburg, refl ected their concerns. According to the terms of the Peace of
Augsburg, accepted in 1555, Lutheran princes, knights, and cities were guaranteed security,
with both sides ordered to maintain “eternal, unconditional peace”; each territory
was given the right to decide whether to be Lutheran or Catholic (a principle codifi ed
in the phrase cuius regio, eius religio – literally whose the region, his the religion); inhabitants
who disagreed with their ruler were to be allowed to leave; all church lands
taken by Lutheran rulers before 1552 were to be retained by them; individuals who were
territorial rulers because of their position as offi cials in the Catholic Church were to
give up their title and lands if they became Lutheran. The terms of the treaty were to be
preserved not by the emperor, but by a deputation of princes.
The Peace of Augsburg accomplished what its makers hoped it would: it ended religious
war in Germany for many decades, and put political, religious, and economic
life clearly in the hands of the territorial rulers, who became increasingly authoritarian.
They became the primary agents of confessionalization and social discipline, developing
and expanding institutions of control such as church courts, reforming poor relief
by regulating begging and reforming social welfare, supporting schools and universities
that would impart correct doctrine to students and train pastors loyal to state
churches. Limitations and problems in the Peace of Augsburg would become clear by
the late sixteenth century, but it was immediately evident that this agreement ended
Charles V’s hope of creating a united Empire with a single church. He abdicated in
1556 and moved to a monastery, transferring power over his holdings in Spain and the
Netherlands to his son Philip, and his imperial power to his brother Ferdinand.