Though the history of Hungary is not one of the rise of a nation-state, it does provide
an excellent example of Machiavelli’s assertion of the key role of war and its fi nancing
in gaining and maintaining power. By the time of the Battle of Mohacs, changes
in military technology and in the way that troops were recruited and provisioned had
increased the cost of warfare dramatically. The Ottoman Empire was large and unifi ed
enough to absorb these costs; Hungary was not.
The deadliest and also most prestigious type of fi ghter in the fi fteenth century was
the cavalryman, wearing full plate armor and carrying a lance and sword; he rode a
large warhorse which also wore plate armor. Such men-at-arms were almost always
members of the nobility, and their primary function in battle was as frontline troops.
They charged in formation at a steady canter with lances drawn against the enemy’s
front line, hoping to shock it into disarray, and then discarded their lances and fought
with swords or maces in individual combat.
Heavy cavalry were regarded as the most important arm of the military in the fi fteenth
century, but their invulnerability was increasingly challenged. During the latter stages of
the Hundred Years War, which ended in 1453, English footsoldiers armed with longbows
were very effective against heavily armored French knights, and in other fi fteenth-century
wars soldiers used steel crossbows drawn by a windlass. Pikes were even deadlier than
bows; footsoldiers armed with ten- to fi fteen-foot-long pikes, standing very close to one
another with their pikes all facing outward – an arrangement termed the Swiss phalanx –
were able to defend against a cavalry charge, as long as they held their position. Horses
would not charge into a wall of pikes no matter how hard they were spurred, and with the
cavalry line disrupted horses and their riders could be wounded or killed.
Gradually the pikemen were reinforced by footsoldiers carrying fi rearms. The fi rst
reasonably portable fi rearm was the harquebus (or arquebus), a short metal tube attached
to a wooden handle, loaded down the muzzle with powder and a round bullet.
(The woodcut that opens this chapter shows a soldier fi ring a harquebus.) The powder
was initially lit by a slow-burning wick called a match-cord through a touchhole in
the barrel – a fi ring mechanism termed a matchlock. Around 1500, wheel-lock fi ring
mechanisms, in which iron pyrite creates sparks by being scraped along a metal wheel,
were developed, producing the fi rst self-igniting fi rearm. The wheel-lock was safer to
the gunner than the matchlock as it did not require an open fl ame, but the harquebus
was heavy and took so long to reload that two pikemen stood on either side of a harquebusier
to defend him against a cavalry charge.
The musket, developed in the 1520s, was much lighter and easier to reload than the
harquebus. Muskets also originally used matchlocks or wheel-locks to fi re, but in the
early seventeenth century a French courtier invented the fl intlock fi ring mechanism, in
which fl int strikes a piece of steel to make sparks, which ignite powder in an attached
fl ash-pan and this in turn (if things work correctly) ignites the main charge in the barrel.
Flintlock weapons quickly replaced other types, and remained the most common
portable fi rearm in Europe and European colonies until the middle of the nineteenth
century. (They also provided several common English expressions, including “fl ash in
the pan” for something that makes a lot of noise but has no lasting effect.) Musket balls
could easily pierce armor, and though plate armor got thicker, this thickness resulted in
increased weight, making horses so slow they were even more vulnerable; a nobleman
had to fi gure he would lose his horse every time he went into battle. Military commanders
generally arranged their troops with one pikeman to every two musketeers,
though the later invention and adoption of the bayonet – a dagger attached to the end
of the gun – made the same soldier both musketeer and pikeman. Infantry – that is,
troops on foot – became the heart of early modern armies.
SOURCE 7 Comments on the new weaponry
Condemnation of gunpowder began in Europe
almost as soon as the fi rst artillery piece was
fi red. In 1366, the Italian humanist Petrarch wrote
in De remediis utriusque fortunae that guns were
invented by the devil, an idea that many later
writers restated. Blaise de Montluc, a French
noble taken prisoner at the Battle of Pavia in
1525, wrote:
Would to God that this unhappy weapon had
never been devised and that so many brave
and valiant men had never died by the hands
of those … who would not dare to look in
the face of those which they had laid dead
with their wretched bullets. They are tools
invented by the devil to make it easier to kill
each other.
In his epic poem Orlando furioso, the Italian
humanist Ludovico Ariosto agreed:
O wretched and foul invention, how did you
ever fi nd a place in a human heart? Through
you the soldier’s glory is destroyed, through
you the business of arms is without honor,
through you valor and courage are brought
low, for often the bad men seem better than
the good; through you valor no more, daring
no more can come to a test in the fi eld.
(Canto ix, verse 91)
The Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes has his
chivalric knight Don Quixote voice a similar complaint:
Those diabolical engines, the artillery [are] an
invention which allows a base and cowardly
hand to take the life of a brave knight.
Some authors were more horrifi ed by the physical
than the social effects of gunpowder. In his treatise
on wounds made by gunshot written in 1545, the
French surgeon Ambroise Paré, who had treated
soldiers on many battlefi elds in Italy, commented:
Verily when I consider with myself all the sorts
of warlike engines which the Ancients used
… they seem to me certain childish sports and
games … for these modern inventions are
such as easily exceed all the best appointed
and cruel engines which can be mentioned
or thought upon in the shape, cruelty, and
appearance of their operations.
None of this criticism slowed the spread of
gunpowder weapons. Rulers and nobles were
quick to adopt them, and training in the use of
artillery and portable fi rearms became a standard
part of the upbringing of aristocratic boys. As
François de la Noue, a French general who had
lost his arm in battle, wrote in 1587:
All these instruments are devilish, invented in
some mischievous shop to turn whole realms
and kingdoms into desolation and replenish
the ground with dead carcasses. Howbeit,
men’s malice had made them so necessary
that they cannot be spared.
De la Noue then provided in-depth guidance
about how best to “profi t by … the forms
and effects of diverse sorts of weapons.“
(Quotations from John Hale, “War and Public Opinion
in the 15th and 16th Centuries,” Past and Present 22
[July 1962]: 29, 30.)
Footsoldiers had traditionally been commoners, not nobles, and the development
of gunpowder made the traditional medieval tripartite division of society
discussed in chapter 1 even more anachronistic. The loss of their unique status as
fighters was not lost on nobles. Pistols, short-barrelled firearms first using wheellocks
and flintlocks, appeared to offer them a way out of their dilemma, a way to
both use gunpowder and yet stay above the infantry – both figuratively and in
actual combat.
Pistols were invented around 1510, and during several battles of the Habsburg–
Valois wars in the 1550s, German mounted pistoliers, termed Reiters , humiliated
heavily armored French cavalry armed with lances. Reiters were generally members
of the lesser nobility – they had to be able to afford a horse – and their weapons
were slowly adopted by nobles elsewhere, who abandoned lances and instead had
three or four pistols along with their sword. (Pistols took a long time to reload, so
pistoliers charged with several already loaded.) Cavalry firing pistols were used
by military commanders against other cavalry or to break up large masses of
Pistoliers still favored tactics that would allow them to display their individual prowess,
however, which were not always the most effective militarily. Pistols fi red at close
range could easily pierce existing armor, so that pistoliers gave up full body armor for a
thick breast plate and helmet that would at least protect their vital parts. This left their
limbs and their increasingly unarmored horses more vulnerable, and both other pistoliers
and footsoldiers aimed their weapons accordingly. Wounds caused by heavy pistol
shot were much worse than those created by arrows, and contemporaries regarded pistols
as especially deadly weapons. They certainly were for horses, and a signifi cant part
of the increased cost of warfare consisted of horses to replace those killed or injured by
all types of weapons.
While hand-held weapons transformed actual battles, large artillery weapons
altered military tactics. Early cannons fired rocks, which were not uniform in size
and tended to shatter on impact. By the middle of the fifteenth century armies were
using balls made of cast iron and cannons that could be disassembled for easier
movement, which were much more expensive but much more effective. Cannonballs
blasted holes in high castle or city walls, and defensive fortifications changed
accordingly, becoming low, thick earthen ramparts that stood up to artillery quite
easily. In the sixteenth century cities increasingly built more complex fortifications
with outlying bastions in which they placed cannons, making it very difficult to
take a city by force. Sieges grew longer, with starvation the most important tactic
as armies cut off cities’ lines of supply. (Direct campaigns against cities reemerged
with the development of bomb-laden aircraft in World War II.)