Instructor’s Manual/Test Bank The first half of this unique manual offers a chapter-by-chapter guide to some of the best documentaries, educational and feature films, videos, and audio recordings to enhance classroom discussion. Brief overviews help instructors select the films best suited to each course topic. The manual also provides instructors with chapter objectives and points for discussion for each chapter, followed by a test bank containing multiple-choice, essay, and identification test questions.
Computerized Test Bank This CD-ROM version of the test bank is available for both Macintosh and IBM-compatible computers to allow instructors to customize each test.
Overhead Transparencies This set of over 150 overhead color transparencies of maps from the text can be used to illuminate classroom lectures.
Slide Set Available through your local McGraw-Hill sales representative, instructors can choose from a list of hundreds of fine art slides to create a customized slide set that will complement the text and enhance classroom lectures.
Instructor Online Learning Center Web Site (wwwjnhhe. com/palmerlO) At the home page for this text-specific Web site, instructors will find a downloadable version of the Instructor’s Manual. Instructors can also create Web-based homework assignments or classroom activities by linking to the Student Online Learning Center and can create an interactive course syllabus using McGraw-Hill’s PageOut site.
PageOut (Www. mhhe. com/pageout) On the PageOut Web site instructors can create their own course Web sites. PageOut requires no prior knowledge of HTML, no long hours of coding, and no design skills on the instructor’s part. Instructors need simply to plug the course information into a template and click on one of the 16 designs. The process takes little time and creates a professionally designed Web site. Powerful features include an interactive course syllabus that lets instructors post content and links, an online gradebook, lecture notes, 1s, and a discussion board where instructors and students can discuss course-related topics.
Videos A wide range of videos on classic and contemporary topics in history is available through the Films for the Humanities and Sciences collection. Instructors can illustrate and enhance lectures by selecting from a series of videos correlated to the course. Contact your local McGraw-Hill sales representative for further information.