Ferdinand and Isabella were busy fighting, and winning, a war against the Muslim Moors, who ruled southern Spain. Only after the fall of Granada, . the last Muslim stronghold, on 2 January 1492, could they give their full attention to Columbus's proposal.
After being rejected in Portugal, Columbus moved to Spain in 1485 to seek sponsorship from King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.
A year later, Isabella met with Columbus in Cordova and listened to his plan with interest.
Ferdinand and Isabella knew little about geography or voyages of exploration, so they appointed a commission of experts to see if Columbus's plan madf sense. The experts were mostly churchmen, along
Presenting the pian
Columbus explained his plan to the royal experts. To support his ideas, he showed them his map of the Atlantic, and read to them from his favourite hooks on geography.
Arms of Leon and Castille
Woodcut of Ferdinand, commemorating the conquest of Granada in 1492
Return to Portugal_
In 1488, WHILE AWAITING THE EXPERTS' DECISION, Columbus decided to try his luck again in Portugal. He arrived in time to see the triumphant return of explorer Bartolomeu Dias, who had just found a way around the southern tip, or cape, of Africa into the Indian Ocean.
Hope and gloom
The cape Dias found was named "Good Hope". Dias had opened up an eastern sea route to the Indies. The Portuguese now had no use for Columbus, so he gloomily made his way back to Spain.
Dias set up a cross on the cape to claim the land for Portugal.
,Tbe experts were not convinced by Columbus's calculations.
Santangel told Isabella she was wrong to reject Columbus.
Gold coin showing Ferdinand and Isabella