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11-09-2015, 14:24


Reader's Guide.....................ix

Timeline of Events in the Middle Ages..........xi

Words to Know....................xxv

Chapter One: Cultures in Conflict............1

Anna Comnena..................5

Excerpt from The Alexiad.............5

Anna Comnena (box)..............6

Bohemond (box)................12

Usamah ibn Munquidh..............15

Excerpt from The Memoirs of

Usamah ibn Munquidh............15

Usamah ibn Munquidh (box)..........16

Al-Bekri and Leo Africanus............23

Excerpts from Al-Masalik wa 'l-Mamalik and

Description of Africa.............23

Al-Bekri and Leo Africanus (box)........24

Marco Polo....................33

Excerpt from The Book of Ser Marco Polo the Venetian Concerning the Kingdoms

And Marvels of the East............33

Marco Polo (box)................34

Was Marco Polo Telling the Truth? (box).....38

Jacob von Konigshofen..............43

"The Cremation of Strasbourg Jewry,

St. Valentine's Day, February 14, 1349—

About the Great Plague and the Burning

Of the Jews".................43

Jewish Sympathizers—A Rare Breed (box) .... 44

Chapter Two: Personal Life...............53


Excerpt from the Confessions..........57

Augustine (box)................58

Lady Sarashina..................65

Excerpt from The Diary of Lady Sarashina.....65

Lady Sarashina (box)..............66

Excerpt from The Thousand and One Nights. ... 73

The Thousand and One Nights (box).......74

The Thousand and One Nights on Film (box) . . . 79

Christine de Pisan and The Goodman of Paris... 81

Excerpts from The Treasure of the City of Ladies (Pisan) and The Goodman

Of Paris (anonymous).............81

Christine de Pisan (box)............83

Courtesy Books (box)..............87

Chapter Three: Church and State............89

Gregory of Tours.................93

Excerpt from History of the Franks........93

Gregory of Tours (box).............94

Clotilde (box).................98

Shotoku Taishi.................103

"Seventeen-Article Constitution"........103

Prince Shotoku (box).............104

Emperor Henry IV and Pope Gregory VII.....111

"Letter to Gregory VII" and "First

Deposition and Banning of Henry IV" . . . . 111

Henry IV (box)................112

Pope Gregory VII (box)............117

Dante Alighieri.................121

Excerpt from the Divine Comedy........121

The Divine Comedy (box)............122

Dante (box)..................129

Chapter Four: History and Fiction...........131


Excerpt from Secret History...........135

Procopius (box)................136

Justinian and Theodora (box).........140

William of Malmesbury.............145

Excerpt from Gesta regum Anglorum.......145

William of Malmesbury (box).........146

The Norman Conquest and the

English Language (box)...........151

Lo Kuan-chung.................155

Excerpt from Romance of the Three Kingdoms. . . 155 Lo Kuan-chung (box).............156


