The history of the dynasties in the civilization of Egypt may be divided into three periods. They arc as follows: the Old Kingdom or Pyramid Age, the Middle Kingdom, and the New Kingdom or New Empire.
The first king of the First Dynasty of the Old Kingdom was Menes. The date of his accession to the throne was about 3500 n. c. He wore a unique double crown symbolizing the unity of Upper and Lower E’gypt. The snake was the symbol in the north, and the liawk was the symbol in the south.
By the time the Third Dynasty arrived, Egypt was well on her way toward greatness (2080-2900 B. t;.). The most remarkable king at this time was Zoser. With his power, wealth, and the aid of his counselor, Imhotep, he promoted the city of Memphis, expanded and strengthened the kingdom, built tombs, temples, and terraced pyramids.
During the administration of King Zoser, there lived in Egypt the most phenomenal intellectual of his time. This man was Imhotep, the master. Me excelled in many academic pursuits and was preeminent in the field of medicine. J. A. Rogers'® says that he diagnosed and rendered therapy to more than two hundred various diseases of the human body. The Egyptians practiced auscultation (the listening to sounds in the body), surgery, chemistry, and the recognition of diseases by their characteristics. Imliotcp examined the internal and external vital organs of the systemic human body. Furthermore, he investigated the circulatory. system.
Herodotus" .says that the Egyptians were specialists in the medical field and the country swarmed with medical practitioners.
In his day, Imhotep was recognized, also, as a s, age, priest, philosopher, poet, scribe, magician, astronomer, and architect.