1. Richard Muir, llie NEW Reading the Landscape: Fieldwork in Landscape Histor)’ (Exeter: UniversiR' of Exeter Press, 2000), irtfo-iyi.
2. Richard Cavendish, Prehistoric England (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson,
1983), 20-22.
3. Stephen Johnson, Lladrians Wall (London: B. 1'. Batsford, 1989), 25-27.
4. Ann Williams, “A Bell-House and a Burh-Geat: Lordly Residences in England Before the Norman Conquest,” in Anglo-Norman Castles, ed. Robert Liddi-ard (Woodbridge, Suffolk: The Boydell Press, 2003), 37.
5. Anthony Bradshaw, “The Burghal Hidage: Alfred’s 'Powns,”
Http://www. ogdoad. force9.co. uk/alfrcd/alfl1idage. htm.
6. Anne Sa’age, The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles (L. ondon: Guild Publishing, 1988), 177-180.
7. D. E. Renn, “The Eirst Norman Castles in England: 1051-1071,” an abstract from Chateau Gaillard (1964), 128.
8. P. E. Curnow and M. W. Thompson, “Excavations at Richard’s Castle, Herefordshire: 1962-1964,” in Journal of the British Archaeological Association 32 (1969): 106.
9. D. J.C. King, The Castle in England and Wales: An Interpretative Histor)’ (Beckenham, Kent: Groom Helm, 1988), 34.
10. Gcoffrci' Williams, Stronghold Britain (Stroud, Gloucestershire: Sutton Publishing, 1999), 102.
11. R. Allen Brown ct ah, Castles: A Histmy and Guide (I’oolc, Dorset: Bland-ford Press, 1980), 16.
12. David Seller, “Farewell to Feudalism,” in Burke's Landed Gently: The Kingdom in Scotland, ed. Peter Beauelerk Ihewar (Stokeslew, North Yorkshire: Burke’s Peerage & Gentr’, 2004), http://www. burkes-peerage. net/Sites/Scotland/SitePagcs/ Pageige. asp.
13. Plantagcnct Somerset Fr-, The David and Charles Book of Castles (Newton Abbot, De'on: Dax'id and Gharles, 1980I, 9.
14. Brown, Castles, 98.
15. Robert Higham, “d'imber Gastles: Reassessment,” in Anglo-Norman Cas
Tles, ed. Robert Liddiard (Woodbridge, Suffolk: The Bowlell Press, 2003), 118.