Primary Sources
Note, an up to date bibliography of English translations of Aquinas may be found at http://www. home. duq. edu/~bonin/thomasbibliography. html; additionally many English translations are available online at Http://www. josephkenny. joyeurs. com/cdtexts/index. htm. Finally, Latin editions of Aquinas’s writings are available at Http://www. corpustho-Misticum. org/iopera. html
Anselm (1998) Anselm of Canterbury: the major works, edited with an introduction by Davies B, Evans GR. Oxford University Press, Oxford
Aquinas Thomas (1882-) Sancti Thomae de Aquino opera omnia, ed. Commissio Leonina. Polyglot Press, Rome (A listing of Leonine editions maybe found at Http://leonina. nerim. net/?Opera)
Aquinas Thomas (1912-1936) The Summa theologica (trans: the Fathers of the English Dominican Province), 2nd rev. edn, 22 vols. Burns, Oates & Washbourne, London (repr. 5 vols, Christian Classics, Westminster, 1981)
Aquinas Thomas (1952-1954) Truth (Quaestiones disputatae De veritate), 3 vols (trans: Mulligan RW, McGlynn JV, Schmidt RW). Henry Regnery, Chicago
Aquinas Thomas (1964) Commentary on Aristotle’s Nicomachean ethics (Sententia Libri Ethicorum), 2 vols (trans: Litzinger CI). University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame
Aquinas Thomas (1975) Summa contra gentiles (trans: Pegis AC et al). University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame
Aquinas Thomas (1993) On there being only one intellect (De unitate intellectus contra Averroistas) (trans: McInerny R). Aquinas against the Averroists. Purdue University Press, West Lafayette Aquinas Thomas (1994) Commentary on Aristotle’s De Anima (Sententia Libri De anima) (trans: Foster K, Humphries S, intro: McInerny R). Dumb Ox Books, Notre Dame
Aquinas Thomas (1995) Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics (Sen-tentia super Metaphysicam) (trans and intro: Rowan JP, preface: McInerny R). Dumb Ox Books, Notre Dame Aquinas Thomas (2007a) Commentary on Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics (Sententia super Posteriora analytica) (trans, intro, and comment: Berquist R, preface: McInerny R). Dumb Ox Books, Notre Dame Aquinas Thomas (2007b) Thomas Aquinas on the principles of nature (De principiis naturae) (trans: Klima G). In: Klima G, Allhoff F, Vaidya AJ (eds) Medieval philosophy: essential readings with commentary. Blackwell, Malden
Aquinas Thomas (2007c) Thomas Aquinas on being and essence (De ente et essentia) (trans and annot: Klima G). In: Klima G, AllhoffF, Vaidya AJ (eds) Medieval philosophy: essential readings with commentary. Blackwell, Malden
Aristotle (1984) The complete works of Aristotle: the revised Oxford translation, 2 vols, ed. Barnes J. Bollingen Series. Princeton University Press, Princeton
Henry of Ghent et al (1963) Condemnation of 219 propositions. In: Lerner R, Mahdi M (eds) Medieval political philosophy: a sourcebook (trans: Fortin EL, O’Neill PD). Free Press, New York Maimonides Moses (1995) The guide of the perplexed (an abridged edition with intro and comment: Guttmann J, trans from the Arabic by Rabin C, new intro: Frank DH). Hackett, Indianapolis
Secondary Sources
Ashworth J (1991) Signification and modes of signifying in thirteenth-century logic: a preface to Aquinas on analogy. Mediev Philos Theol 1:39-67
Ashworth J (1992) Analogy and equivocation in thirteenth-century logic: Aquinas in context. Mediev Stud 54:94-135 Coppleston FC (1955) Aquinas. Penguin Pelican, Baltimore Davies B (ed) (2002) Thomas Aquinas: contemporary philosophical perspectives. Oxford University Press, Oxford Davies B (2003) Aquinas. Continuum, London
Gilson E (1994) The Christian philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas (trans: Shook LK). University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame Jordan MD (1992) The alleged Aristotelianism of Thomas Aquinas.
Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto Kretzmann N (1997) The metaphysics of theism: Aquinas’s natural theology in Summa contra gentiles I. Clarendon, Oxford Kretzmann N (1999) The metaphysics of creation: Aquinas’s natural theology in Summa contra gentiles II. Clarendon, Oxford Kretzmann N (2000) The metaphysics of providence: Aquinas’s natural theology in Summa contra gentiles III. Mediev Philos Theol 9(2):3-183
Kretzmann N, Stump E (eds) (1993) The Cambridge companion to Aquinas. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge McInerny R (2003) Praeambula Fidei: Thomism and the God of the philosophers. The Catholic University ofAmerica Press, Washington McInerny R (2004) Aquinas. Polity Press, Cambridge Shanley B (2002) The Thomist tradition. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht Shanley B (trans and comment), Pasnau R (intro) (2006) The treatise on the divine nature: Summa Theologiae I 1-13. Hackett, Indianapolis Stump E (2003) Aquinas. Routledge, New York
Torrell J-P (1996) Saint Thomas Aquinas, vol 1: The person and his work (trans: Royal R). The Catholic University of America Press, Washington
Torrell J-P (2003) Saint Thomas Aquinas, vol 2: Spiritual master (trans: Royal R). The Catholic University of America Press, Washington Weisheipl JA (1974) Thomas D’Aquino: his life, thought and work. The Catholic University of America Press, Washington Wippel J (2000) The metaphysical thought of Thomas Aquinas. Monographs of the Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy 1. The Catholic University of America Press, Washington