The smallest but by no means the least successful of the
“Little Tigers” are Singapore and Hong Kong. Both are
essentially city-states with large populations densely
packed into small territories. Singapore, once a British
crown colony and briefly a part of the state of Malaysia, is
now an independent nation. Hong Kong was a British
colony until it was returned to PRC
control, but with autonomous status,
in 1997. In recent years, both have
emerged as industrial powerhouses
with standards of living well above the
level of their neighbors.
The success of Singapore must be ascribed
in good measure to the will and
energy of its political leaders. When it
became independent in August 1965,
Singapore was in a state of transition.
Its longtime position as an entrepôt for
trade between the Indian Ocean and the South China
Sea was declining in importance. With only 618 square
miles of territory, much of it marshland and tropical jungle,
Singapore had little to offer but the frugality and industriousness
of its predominantly overseas Chinese population.
But a recent history of political radicalism,
fostered by the rise of influential labor unions, had frightened
away foreign investors.
Within a decade, Singapore’s role and reputation had
dramatically changed. Under the leadership of Prime
Minister Lee Kuan-yew (b. 1923), once the firebrand
leader of the radical People’s Action Party, the government
encouraged the growth of an attractive business climate
while engaging in massive public works projects to
feed, house, and educate the nation’s two million citizens.
The major components of success have been shipbuilding,
oil refineries, tourism, electronics, and finance—the citystate
has become the banking hub of the entire region.
Like the other Little Tigers, Singapore has relied on
a combination of government planning, entrepreneurial
spirit, export promotion, high productivity, and an
exceptionally high rate of saving to achieve industrial
growth rates of nearly 10 percent annually
over the past quarter century. Unlike
some other industrializing countries
in the region, it has encouraged
the presence of multinational corporations
to provide much needed capital
and technological input. Population
growth has been controlled by a stringent
family planning program, and
literacy rates are among the highest in
As in the other Little Tigers, an authoritarian
political system has guaranteed
a stable environment for economic
growth. Until his recent
retirement, Lee Kuan-yew and his
People’s Action Party dominated Singaporean
politics, and opposition elements
were intimidated into silence or
arrested. The prime minister openly
declared that the Western model of
pluralist democracy was not appropriate
for Singapore and lauded the Meiji
model of centralized development (see
the box on p. 307). Confucian values of
thrift, hard work, and obedience to
authority have been promoted as the
ideology of the state. The government
has had a passion for cleanliness and at
one time even undertook a campaign to persuade its citizens
to flush the public urinals. In 1989, the local Straits
Times, a mouthpiece of the government, published a
photograph of a man walking sheepishly from a row of
urinals. The caption read “Caught without a flush:
Mr. Amar Mohamed leaving the Lucky Plaza toilet without
flushing the urinal.”5
But economic success is beginning to undermine the
authoritarian foundations of the system as a more sophisticated
citizenry begins to demand more political freedoms
and an end to government paternalism. Lee Kuanyew’s
successor, Goh Chok Tong (b. 1941), has promised
a “kinder, gentler” Singapore, and political restrictions
on individual behavior are gradually being relaxed. In the
spring of 2000, the government announced the opening
of a speaker’s corner, where citizens would be permitted to
express their views, provided they obtained a permit and
did not break the law. While this was a small step, it provided
a reason for optimism that a more pluralistic political
system will gradually emerge.
The future of Hong Kong is not so clear-cut. As in Singapore,
sensible government policies and the hard work
of its people have enabled Hong Kong
to thrive. At first, the prosperity of the
colony depended on a plentiful supply
of cheap labor. Inundated with refugees
from the mainland during the 1950s
and 1960s, the population of Hong
Kong burgeoned to more than six million.
Many of the newcomers were willing
to work for starvation wages in
sweatshops producing textiles, simple
appliances, and toys for the export market.
More recently, Hong Kong has
benefited from increased tourism, manufacturing,
and the growing economic
prosperity of neighboring Guangdong
Province, the most prosperous region of
the PRC. In one respect, Hong Kong
has differed from the other societies discussed in this
chapter in that it has relied on an unbridled free market
system rather than active state intervention in the economy.
At the same time, by allocating substantial funds for
transportation, sanitation, education, and public housing,
the government has created favorable conditions for
economic development.
Unlike the other Little Tigers, Hong Kong remained
under colonial rule until very recently. British authorities
did little to foster democratic institutions or practices, and
most residents of the colony cared more about economic
survival than political freedoms. In 1983, in talks between
representatives of Great Britain and thePRC, the Chinese
leaders made it clear they were determined to have Hong
Kong return to mainland authority in 1997, when the
British ninety-nine-year lease over the New Territories,
the foodbasket of the colony of Hong Kong, ran out. The
British agreed, on the condition that satisfactory arrangements
could be made for the welfare of the population.
The Chinese promised that for fifty years, the people of
Hong Kong would live under a capitalist system and be essentially
self-governing. Recent statements by Chinese
leaders, however, have raised questions about the degree
of autonomy Hong Kong will receive under Chinese rule,
which began on July 1, 1997 (see the box above). A decision
by the local government in 2003 to expand security
restrictions aroused widespread public protests.