Nowhere are the changes in postwar Japan so visible as
in the economic sector, where the nation has developed
into a major industrial and technological power in the
space of a century, surpassing such advanced Western
societies as Germany, France, and Great Britain. Here
indeed is the Japanese miracle in its most concrete
The process began a century ago in the single-minded
determination of the Meiji modernizers to create a rich
country and strong state. Their initial motive was to guarantee
Japan’s survival against Western imperialism, but
this defensive urge evolved into a desire to excel and, during
the years before World War II, to dominate. That desire
led to the war in the Pacific and, in the eyes of some
observers, still contributes to Japan’s problems with its
trading partners in the world today.
As we have seen, the officials of the Allied occupation
identified the Meiji economic system with centralized
power and the rise of Japanese militarism. Accordingly,
MacArthur’s planners set out to break up the zaibatsu and
decentralize Japanese industry and commerce. But with
the rise of Cold War tensions, the policy was scaled back
in the late 1940s, and only the nineteen largest conglomerates
were affected. In any event, the new antimonopoly
law did not hinder the formation of looser ties between
Japanese companies, and as a result, a new type of informal
relationship, sometimes called the keiretsu, or “interlocking
arrangement,” began to take shape after World
War II. Through such arrangements among suppliers,
wholesalers, retailers, and financial institutions, the zaibatsu
system was reconstituted under a new name.
The occupation administration had more success with
its program to reform the agricultural system. Half of the
population still lived on farms, and half of all farmers
were still tenants. Under a stringent land reform program
in the late 1940s, all lands owned by absentee landlords
and all cultivated landholdings over an established maximum
were sold on easy credit terms to the tenants. The
maximum size of an individual farm was set at 7.5 acres,
while an additional 2.5 acres could be leased to tenants.
The reform program created a strong class of yeoman
farmers, and tenants declined to about 10 percent of the
rural population.
During the next fifty years, Japan re-created the stunning
results of the Meiji era. At the end of the Allied occupation
in 1950, the Japanese gross national product was
about one-third that of Great Britain or France. Today, it
is larger than both put together and well over half that of
the United States. Japan is the greatest exporting nation
in the world, and its per capita income equals or surpasses
that of most advanced Western states. In terms of education,
mortality rates, and health care, the quality of life in
Japan is superior to that in the United States or the advanced
nations of Western Europe.
By the mid-1980s, the economic challenge presented
by Japan had begun to arouse increasing concern in both
official and private circles in Europe and the United
States. Explanations for the phenomenon tended to fall
into two major categories. Some pointed to cultural factors:
The Japanese are naturally group-oriented and find
it easy to cooperate with one another. Traditionally hardworking
and frugal, they are more inclined to save than to
consume, a trait that boosts the savings rate and labor
productivity. The Japanese are family-oriented and therefore
spend less on welfare for the elderly, who normally
live with their children. Like all Confucian societies, the
Japanese value education, and consequently, the labor
force is highly skilled. Finally, Japan is a homogeneous society
in which people share common values and respond
in similar ways to the challenges of the modern world.
Others cited more practical reasons for Japanese success.
Paradoxically, Japan benefited from the total destruction
of its industrial base during World War II because
it did not face the problem of antiquated plants that
plagued many industries in the United States. Under
the terms of its constitution and the security treaty with
the United States, Japan spends less than 1 percent of its
gross national product on national defense, whereas the
United States spends more than 5 percent. Labor productivity
is high, not only because the Japanese are hard
workers (according to statistics, Japanese workers spend
substantially more time on the job than workers in other
advanced societies) but also because corporations reward
innovation and maintain good management-labor relations.
Consequently, employee mobility and the number
of days lost to labor stoppages are minimized (on an average
day, according to one estimate, 603 Japanese workers
are on strike compared to 11,956 Americans). Just as it
did before World War II, the Japanese government promotes
business interests rather than hindering them. Finally,
some analysts charge that Japan uses unfair trade
practices, subsidizing exports through the Ministry of International
Trade and Industry (MITI), dumping goods at
prices below cost to break into a foreign market, maintaining
an artificially low standard of living at home to
encourage exports, and unduly restricting imports from
other countries.
There is some truth on both sides of the argument. Undoubtedly,
Japan benefited from its privileged position beneath
the U.S. nuclear umbrella as well as from its ability
to operate in a free trade environment that provided both
export markets and access to Western technology. The
Japanese also took a number of practical steps to improve
their competitive position in the world and the effectiveness
of their economic system at home.
Yet many of these steps were possible precisely because
of the cultural factors described here. The tradition of
loyalty to the firm, for example, derives from the communal
tradition in Japanese society. The concept of sacrificing
one’s personal interests to those of the state, though
not necessarily rooted in the traditional period, was certainly
fostered by the genro oligarchy during the Meiji era.
In recent years, the Japanese economy has run into serious
difficulties, raising the question as to whether the
vaunted Japanese model is as appealing as many observers
earlier declared. A rise in the value of the yen hurt exports
and burst the bubble of investment by Japanese
banks that had taken place under the umbrella of government
protection. Lacking a domestic market equivalent
in size to the United States, the Japanese economy
slipped into a long-term recession that continues today.
These economic difficulties have placed heavy pressure
on some of the highly praised features of the Japanese
economy. The tradition of lifetime employment created
a bloated white-collar workforce and made downsizing
difficult. Today, job security is on the decline as increasing
numbers of workers are being laid off. Unfortunately,
a disproportionate burden has fallen on women, who lack
seniority and continue to suffer from various forms of discrimination
in the workplace. A positive consequence is
that job satisfaction is beginning to take precedence over
security in the minds of many Japanese workers, and
salary is beginning to reflect performance more than time
on the job.
A final factor is that slowly but inexorably, the Japanese
market is beginning to open up to international
competition. Foreign automakers are winning a growing
share of the domestic market, while the government—
concerned at the prospect of food shortages—has committed
itself to facilitating the importation of rice from
abroad. This last move was especially sensitive, given the
almost sacred role that rice farming holds in the Japanese
At the same time, greater exposure to foreign economic
competition may serve to improve the performance
of Japanese manufacturers. In recent years, Japanese
consumers have become increasingly concerned
about the quality of some of their domestic products, provoking
one cabinet minister to complain about “sloppiness
and complacency” among Japanese firms (a scandal
in the United States over defects in Firestone tires, produced
by the Japanese tire manufacturer Bridgestone, was
a case in point). One apparent reason for the country’s
quality problems is increasing competition from the
United States, which has forced Japanese companies to
adopt cost-cutting measures to meet the challenge from