As in other areas of Asia, the end of World Was II led to
the emergence of a number of independent states. Jordan,
Lebanon, and Syria, all European mandates before the
war, became independent. Egypt, Iran, and Iraq, though
still under a degree of Western influence, became increasingly
autonomous. Sympathy for the idea of Arab
unity led to the formation of the Arab League in 1945,
but different points of view among its members prevented
it from achieving anything of substance.
The one issue on which all Arab states in the area
could agree was the question of Palestine. As tensions between
Jews and Arabs in that mandate intensified during
the 1930s, the British attempted to limit Jewish immigration
into the area and firmly rejected proposals for independence.
After World War II, the Zionists turned for
support to the United States, and in March 1948, the
Truman administration approved the concept of an inde-
pendent Jewish state, despite the fact that only about
one-third of the local population were Jews. In May, the
new state of Israel was formally established.
To its Arab neighbors, the new state represented a betrayal
of the interests of the Palestinian people, 90 percent
of whom were Muslim, and a flagrant disregard for the
conditions set out in the Balfour Declaration of 1917.
Outraged at the lack ofWestern support for Muslim interests
in the area, several Arab countries invaded the new
Jewish state. The invasion did not succeed because of internal
divisions among the Arabs, but both sides remained
bitter, and the Arab states refused to recognize Israel.
The war had other lasting consequences as well because
it led to the exodus of thousands of Palestinian
refugees into neighboring Muslim states. Jordan, which
had become independent under its Hashemite ruler, was
now flooded by the arrival of one million urban Palestinians
in a country occupied by half a million Bedouins. To
the north, the state of Lebanon had been created to provide
the local Christian community with a country of its
own, but the arrival of the Palestinian refugees upset the
delicate balance between Christians and Muslims. In any
event, the creation of Lebanon had angered the Syrians,
who had lost it as well as other territories to Turkey as a
result of European decisions before and after the war.