Military victory in 1945 sustained the illusion of
Britain’s imperial dominance a decade longer. But
the rising tide of nationalism in Turkey, Egypt
and throughout the Middle East since the 1920s
should have served as a warning signal. Now, after
the Second World War, popular British support
for empire was rapidly ebbing away, especially
now that it could be seen to involve unacceptable
financial burdens.
Governments, both Labour and Conservative,
faced a difficult task defending the remaining outposts
for what were perceived as strategic or economic
reasons. The two came together in Iran.
When the war ended, the Russians were reluctant
to move out. Oil was now the lifeblood of the
West, and Britain and the US were determined to
retain the Middle East as a Western preserve. In
1946 the Russians at last bowed to the pressure
on them exerted through the United Nations and
withdrew their troops.
The Russians did not threaten Palestine. But
the future of this land, with its special significance
to great cultures and religions, was once more
heading towards bloody conflict. Here the Anglo-
American alliance was most strained immediately
after the war. Both Arabs and Jews claimed it as
their homeland. At the end of the war Britain
faced challenges throughout the Middle East. In
Iran and Iraq nationalism attacked foreign control
of oil resources; in Egypt it was Britain’s military
occupation of the country and its control of the
Suez Canal. The ferment of the Middle East was
due not only to struggles against foreign powers
but also to the rivalries of the Middle Eastern
nations among themselves and to the social conflict
between the ruling elites, the emerging
middle classes and the masses of poor. In the
immediate aftermath of the war, Britain played a
decisive role.
Ernest Bevin, the British foreign secretary in the
Labour government of 1945, was clear about the
choice facing his country. He resisted arguments
that Britain’s post-war weakness would force it to
give up a dominant role in the Middle East. He
knew that Middle Eastern societies were backward
and feudal and that social upheavals in the
long run were likely. He was a socialist at home
and an imperialist abroad. Britain’s standard of
living was dependent on Arab oil, and what mattered
was the immediate future. Britain should
not, therefore, withdraw. But there was a solution:
imperial dominance might be made more
palatable by creating a framework of Anglo-Arab
partnerships. If this meant partnerships with
feudal princes and kings, so be it; British interference
in the internal affairs of Arab nations
would otherwise only arouse the Arab cry of
imperialism. Not everyone in the Cabinet agreed.
The prime minister Clement Attlee believed that
imperialism, even when cloaked by Bevin’s palliatives,
would prove impossible to sustain. Would
it not be better for Britain to retire with goodwill
ahead of time, as it had agreed to do in India?
The West faced a fundamental problem in the
Middle East: how to ensure the future stability of
the region, and how best to meet the needs and
wishes of its peoples without jeopardising the
West’s vital strategic and economic interests.
In Iraq, at least, British interests appeared
secure in 1945. In the prime minister, Nuri-es-
Said, London believed it had a firm pro-Western
friend. A new Anglo-Iraqi alliance treaty was concluded
in January 1948 which established Iraqi
control over British bases in Iraq in peacetime,
but provided for military assistance in war, which
meant, in effect, that Britain could then reactivate
the bases. It was ironic that British socialists
should make a deal with politicians like Nuri, who
represented the interests of the wealthy landowning
class opposed to social reform. He had underestimated
the anti-British feelings in Iraq, which
were whipped up into a frenzy immediately after
the conclusion of the treaty. Britain’s influence
became more precarious though it persisted for
another decade.
Britain favoured agreement between the Arab
states, which was to be further enhanced by a
regional grouping. In March 1945, with Britain’s
blessing, the Arab League was founded. Despite
the yearning for greater unity in the Arab world,
however, the ruling elites were not able to provide
it. Abdullah, the Hashemite ruler of Transjordan,
despised the backward Egyptians. Nor was there
any love lost between the Hashemites and the rival
and victorious dynasty of Ibn Saud in Saudi
Arabia. Other Arab nationalists looked down on
poverty-stricken Transjordan as a client state in
British pay. The Arabs were deeply split. Egypt
and Iraq eyed each other with hostility, both laying
claim to leadership of the Arab world.
The Arabs, including the Egyptians, had been
largely hostile spectators during the Allied struggle
against Germany. Although Egypt was nominally
independent, the British troops swarming
throughout Cairo and Alexandria, and guarding
British bases along the Suez Canal during the
war, gave every appearance of moving about in an
occupied country. The end of the war did not
essentially alter the situation. The Suez Canal and
the Suez bases remained under foreign control.
Meanwhile, Britain’s post-war economic plight
required that expenditure be avoided wherever
possible. Bevin was prepared to make extensive
concessions to Egyptian national feelings, but
insisted on ironclad treaty guarantees that the
Suez Canal would never fall into hands hostile to
In May 1946 the Attlee government accepted
the principle of a complete military evacuation in
times of peace. Eventually in October of that year
a draft treaty was agreed against a background of
mounting Egyptian violence in the streets. Britain
undertook to withdraw its forces by September
1949, but Egypt had to agree to invite the British
back to their Suez bases and to cooperate with
Britain if any conflict threatened ‘against countries
adjacent to Egypt’. Yet the new treaty was
never concluded; what wrecked the negotiations
was Egypt’s claim to sovereignty over the Sudan,
which Britain was not ready to accept. By then,
Britain’s difficulties there were overshadowed by
the crisis in Palestine.
Both Arab and Jew in 1945 considered that
British rule in Palestine was destined to end soon.
The growth of both Arab and Zionist nationalism
meant that foreign rule could be maintained
only by an increasing use of force. But what form
would a Palestine state take?
The Nazi slaughter of more than 6 million
Jews during the Second World War, while the rest
of the world looked on, entirely changed Jewish
attitudes. Yet many Arabs, in their hostility to
British colonialism, had sympathised with the
Nazi rather than the Allied cause during the war.
Support for Zionism and a Jewish state in
1945 became overwhelming among the Jews
both of Palestine and in the rest of the world.
Never again would mass murder be permitted;
Jews were ready to fight to prevent it, to create
their own nation, to guarantee the future survival
of Jews everywhere. That the creation of Israel
would involve injustice to the Arabs in Palestine
was an inevitable consequence, because the territory
of a viable Jewish state would contain almost
as many Arabs as Jews. What followed between
1945 and 1949 was a bloody struggle between
the Jews, the British and the Arabs.
The British despaired of finding any solution
to which both Arabs and Jews could agree.
Partition was the only practicable policy. In the
last resort the Jews would have accepted it, but
the Arabs were ready to resist it by force. Thus in
the end military arms would decide the issue; to
enforce partition Britain would have been drawn
into fighting the Arabs. But its interests were
overwhelmingly involved in maintaining goodwill
with the Arab nations. Bevin solved the dilemma
by handing responsibility over to the United
Nations. Meanwhile, as long as Britain continued
to station its troops in Palestine and to be responsible
for law and order and for the administration,
it was exposed to both Jewish and Arab hostility.
The position of the Jews in Palestine was precarious.
They faced catastrophe if the British
should depart before they could sufficiently
mobilise to augment their own armed defence
force, the Haganah. The Zionist leader David Ben
Gurion tried to persuade the British to delay their
departure, appealing to Bevin as late as February
1947. He offered to root out Jewish terrorism
against the British, provided the British troops
stayed. Bevin believed that the Ben Gurion offer
was just a tactic to build up a Jewish majority
under cover of the Mandate.
The acceptable face of Zionism was represented
by Chaim Weizmann, who more than
anyone had been responsible for securing the
Balfour Declaration in 1917, and by David Ben
Gurion; the Haganah was the tolerated armed
wing of the Jewish Agency. The Irgun, led by
Menachem Begin, who eventually became prime
minister of Israel in 1977, belonged to the unacceptable
face of Zionism, and the Stern Group
was even more extreme. Begin and Stern were
ready to fight the British, who were (in their eyes)
accomplices of the Nazis in their failure to take
all possible steps to rescue the Jews from the
Holocaust. Begin was a Pole, a member of the
East European Jewry whose homelands had
become one great graveyard. In the struggle for
Israel’s survival, both the Irgun fighters and all
Jews able to bear arms would be needed once the
British had left, so the breach between Ben
Gurion and Begin could never be total.
Jews of all political complexions in Palestine
were ready to help outwit the British authorities
to make it possible for the Jewish survivors, sailing
in their ramshackle boats from the displacedpersons
camps in Germany, to land secretly in the
Holy Land. From the beaches, where men and
women were waiting for them, they were smuggled
into the Jewish agricultural settlements – the
kibbutz. In material terms these refugees were no
great catch: penniless men, women and children,
the sick and the old predominating over the ablebodied.
For them Palestine was a haven – it was
what the ideal of a Jewish state was all about. The
‘illegal’ immigration did not always succeed; the
Royal Navy had the unenviable task of intercepting
and boarding the boats and forcing the
refugees to new camps in Cyprus. The seizure of
one such ship, the Exodus, led to worldwide condemnation
of Britain, especially when the
refugees were shipped back to Hamburg, to the
country responsible for the Holocaust. It was a
gift for Zionist propaganda.
For Britain the option of remaining in
Palestine became increasingly less attractive. The
price that was being paid for the strategic base
was too high: 100,000 British troops were being
tied down in Palestine to try to keep the peace,
which they increasingly failed to accomplish.
British conscripts were being killed in raids carried
out by the Irgun and its splinter groups, the Lehi.
The Irgun’s answer to a massive military and
police action to round up suspects and disarm
Jewish irregulars was to blow up the King David
Hotel in Jerusalem, which housed the British
army and secretariat headquarters, on 22 July
1946. Menachem Begin later claimed that part of
the plan had been to avoid loss of life and that
sufficient warning had been given by telephone.
But the time allowed between the telephone call
and the explosion was far too short; part of the
hotel collapsed and ninety-one people were killed.
An attempt was also made to plant a bomb in the
Jerusalem railway station, but this was fortunately
frustrated in time. In all, between August 1945
and September 1947, some 300 people lost their
lives as a result of terrorist action, nearly half of
them British; seven captured Jewish terrorists had
been executed, two awaiting execution had committed
suicide, and another thirty-seven were
killed fighting. It was the manner of the loss of
these lives as well as their actual number that
caused such revulsion.
The decision to withdraw from the thankless
task of governing Palestine had broad British
public support. The British government was not
prepared to enforce partition on the Arabs by military
force. Nor, for all its criticisms of British
policy, was the Truman administration willing to
do so. The Jews were to be left to fight for their
own national survival, a decision that came as no
surprise to Jewish leaders like Begin. In February
1947, the British Cabinet decided to give notice
to hand the Palestine problem to the United
Nations by mid-May 1947. The last vain hope
was that this deadline would bring Arabs and Jews
to the conference table.
The United Nations appointed a Special
Committee on Palestine, though it was boycotted
by the Arab political leadership. In August 1947
the committee reported that Palestine should be
partitioned into an Arab and a Jewish state, but
that the economic unity of Palestine should be
maintained; the committee also suggested that
for another two years Britain should continue
to administer Palestine under the auspices of the
United Nations and that during this transitional
period 150,000 Jews should be admitted. The
possibility that the transitional period might be
extended was also envisaged. Thus the UN committee
had reached much the same conclusions as
the British Peel Commission ten years earlier. Did
it stand any better chance of winning acceptance
in the face of Arab hostility? The US and the
Soviet Union, moreover, would both need to give
the UN plan their backing if sufficient votes were
to be cast to provide the necessary two-thirds
majority in the General Assembly.
In the event, both the US and the USSR,
though the Cold War was at its height, voted in
favour of the UN partition plan. Hitherto the
Soviet Union had always opposed Zionism as an
ideology likely to inflame Jewish Soviet citizens.
One can only conjecture about the reasons for
Russia’s change of front. Possibly the Soviet leadership
calculated that the creation of Israel would
undermine Western relations with the Arab states
and thus provide for the Soviet Union a means of
entering the Middle East. The American State
Department and the British Foreign Office were
well aware of these dangers and were doubly
anxious now that Middle Eastern oil was becoming
a crucial factor in Western industrial development.
They wanted to avoid a policy that was
bound to arouse Arab hostility.
At this critical stage President Truman’s attitude
was probably decisive. It was credited with
sympathies for Zionism, the electoral advantage
of appealing to the American-Jewish vote was a
bonus in supporting a UN partition plan that
would create a Jewish state. With the US and the
Soviet Union organising support at the UN, the
required two-thirds majority in favour of partition
was achieved when the vote was called in the
General Assembly on 29 November 1947.
The intervening months were among the worst
time for the dying British administration and the
British troops. In a vain attempt to save Irgun terrorists
from execution, two British sergeants were
kidnapped by Irgun and found hanged on 31 July
1947. There was an outcry and revulsion in
Britain. The British Cabinet now concluded that
Britain’s total withdrawal had become inevitable.
The months between the end of November 1947
and 14 May 1948, when the last British soldier left
and the State of Israel was proclaimed, were extraordinary.
The British would not cooperate with
the UN on the partition plan and when fighting
between Arabs and Jews began in December 1947
they increasingly confined their authority to military
camps and police stations. The Jewish Agency
emerged as the effective Jewish government and
made desperate preparations to fight for the
Jewish state against the expected Arab assault.
The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was also mobilising
Palestinian Arabs, and sporadic fighting
broke out between Jews and Arabs. Beyond
Palestine the Arab League began planning to raise
‘volunteer’ armies against the day the British
departed. Their mission was to overrun the Jewish
state while it was still in its infancy. By April 1948,
even before the British had left, the Arab threat
to isolate Jerusalem completely, with its large
Jewish population, as well as other Jewish settlements,
had become very real indeed. The fighting
spread. The Jewish leadership saw its only
chance of salvation in declining to wait for the
coordinated Arab attack. In April and May the
Haganah seized the initiative and undertook a
number of offensive operations. They succeeded
in checking the Arabs.
The first Arab–Israeli War created a particular
problem that was to fester and provoke unrest in
the Middle East to the present day: the Palestinian
refugees. In the territory assigned to Israel by
the UN in 1947 lived some 510,000 Arabs and
499,000 Jews. The majority of these Arabs fled
in fear of their lives, leaving their land and possessions
to be taken over by the Israelis; half of
them had already left before the British Mandate
had ended. They had genuine cause for terror;
many panicked, caught in a war between Jews and
the Arab invaders. Arab villages presented a
special threat to the Israelis; when they supported
Arab military units they were attacked. The ordinary
Arab, however, who had lived on the land
for generations was caught in the crossfire of war,
just like the Jews. Jew and Arab were exposed to
the danger of falling victim to atrocity. Irgun’s
2,000 fanatical fighters joined in the struggle,
cooperating with but not subordinating themselves
to the Haganah. The most horrific of
Israeli attacks, which were intended to intimidate
and drive out the Arabs, undertaken during the
night 9 and 10 April 1948 was by the Irgun on
Deir Yassin a village close to Jerusalem, where
245 men, women and children were murdered.
Though the Israeli government and the Haganah
repudiated the Irgun’s savagery, the memory
of Deir Yassin stained the foundation of Israel.
After Deir Yassin tens of thousands of Palestinian
Arabs fled from the territory under Israeli control
into Arab-controlled Palestine on the West
Bank, into Transjordan, Lebanon, Syria and the
Egyptian Gaza Strip. Unable to return to Israel
these unfortunate people became pawns in
Middle Eastern politics and the seedbed for the
recruitment of militant Palestinian political, military
and terrorist organisations. The Arabs also
retaliated with terror to Deir Yassin, killing
seventy-seven Jewish doctors and nurses in a
convoy on their way to Mount Scopus.
The Jewish Agency, during the early weeks of
conflict, was desperate for arms. Once more Soviet
support was critical. The Czechs were encouraged
to transport weapons and an airlift was begun
which delivered them just in time. In a tricky operation
in April 1948 the Haganah organised a convoy
of supplies to the 30,000 beleaguered Jews in
Jerusalem. Once the Haganah took the offensive,
the disunited Arab war effort began to crumble.
After David Ben Gurion had declared Israeli independence
on 14 May 1948 renewed fighting
between the various Arab forces and the Haganah
and Irgun broke out all over the country.
The Jews astonished the world by winning the
first round, despite their apparently hopeless position
confronted by the Arab world. The Arab
armies proved less formidable than their rhetoric.
It was, nevertheless, a desperate struggle at all
points of the compass against greater numbers.
The Israelis did not possess a single warplane or
any heavy military equipment. But the Arab
armies of five states, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon,
Transjordan and Egypt, were totally uncoordinated.
Abdullah, king of Transjordan, was far
more concerned to seize the West Bank of the
River Jordan and to add this, as well as Jerusalem,
to his kingdom than he was to destroy Israel. He
had no intention of creating an independent Arab
Palestine state. The Egyptians and Syrians too
were intent on serving their own national interests.
Responding vigorously and daringly the
Israelis halted the Lebanese and Syrian attack in
the north, and the attack was not pressed. Much
more serious was the advance of the Egyptian
army along the coast to Tel Aviv, which stopped
short just a few miles from the city. The Egyptians
had also advanced to the suburbs of Jerusalem,
which was also invested by Transjordan’s Britishled
and -trained Arab Legion, a first-rate fighting
force. The struggle for Jerusalem was the most
bitterly fought of the war. The Arab Legion captured
the Old City; despite bombarding the New
City and causing heavy civilian casualties (1,400),
they failed to take that from the Israelis. Arab
forces also sat astride the main Jewish supply
route, the road from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. In
one of the most celebrated episodes of the war,
the Israelis managed to construct a new road to
the beleaguered city. At least part of Jerusalem
was saved for the new state.
At the United Nations, meanwhile, a resolution
was approved that authorised the enforcement
of a truce on the exhausted belligerents.
The truce came into force on 11 June 1948. Both
sides, using what turned out to be no more than
a breathing space to strengthen their military
positions, ignored the truce provisions. A renewal
of fighting was regarded as certain. While the
Arabs increased their regular troops to 45,000,
the Czechs and French sent large quantities of
arms to the Israelis, including fighter planes. On
8 July 1948 fighting resumed. The Israelis went
on the offensive; a second UN truce on the 18th
was soon broken. Count Bernadotte charged by
the UN with brokering a permanent peace, was
gunned down in Jerusalem in September, probably
by a group of extremists. The Israeli government
now proceeded to imprison members of the
Stern Group (Lehi). Israel’s lack of control over
murderous extremists had become a serious handicap
in its international relations at a time when
it desperately needed friends.
In mid-October 1948 fighting was once more
renewed between the Israelis and the Egyptians,
who continued to hold parts of the Negev that
had been assigned to Israel by the original UN
partition plan. The fighting ended in the defeat of
the Egyptians in January 1949. Egypt’s Arab
allies, far from helping, took advantage of the catastrophe.
King Abdullah of Transjordan, who had
already stopped fighting on 1 December 1948
and arranged a ceasefire with the Israelis, declared
the union of Palestine and Transjordan, annexed
the West Bank and henceforth called his kingdom
Jordan. This wily Arab ruler, alone among the
Arab leaders, had greatly profited as regards territorial
expansion from the Arab–Israeli War and
drew upon himself the especial hatred of the
Egyptians. Under the auspices of the UN, Israel in
the spring of 1949 concluded armistice agreements
with all its neighbours, Egypt, Jordan, Syria
and the Lebanon, but not with Iraq. It was not
peace, because the Arab nations would not accept
a permanent peace treaty with Israel, and the
Arab refugee question continued to fester as the
refugees lived mainly in makeshift camps sustained
by the UN Relief Organisation. In the aftermath
of the war, over the next decade, the centuries-old
tradition in some Muslim Middle Eastern nations
of tolerating Jewish communities in their midst
was broken. Almost half a million Jews were driven
out but, unlike the Arab refugees, they had a
new home waiting for them in Israel. The influx
enormously strengthened Israel, which as a result
of the war had already gained considerable territory
in the north, part of the West Bank and land
in the south. Israel’s territory had become more
integral, instead of being divided into three parts
connected only by two narrow land bridges. The
Arabs felt humiliated by the victory of the Jews,
whom they saw as Western imperialist intruders,
and the British as the once dominant Middle
Eastern power were blamed for the debacle. Some
600,000 Palestinian Arabs deprived of their farms
and property became penniless refugees. Hopes
for a Palestinian Arab state were thwarted, and the
Palestinian Arabs nursed a burning sense of injustice.
The Palestinian question and hatred of Israel
and Zionism also became powerful and emotive
weapons in the political struggles of the Arab
states themselves.
The Arab–Israeli War also showed up the rivalries
of the Arab states and their competition for
land, leadership and influence. In the war itself
they were more intent on gaining their own
objectives than on helping each other or the
Palestinian Arabs. The rivalry and bitterness
between them was never submerged for long.
Their disunity, their general military backwardness
and the traditions of their societies in which
the poor were exploited for the benefit of the rich
landowners left them no match for an Israeli state,
ardent, nationalist, modern and progressive, in
which all Jews felt they had a stake and whose
continued strength and existence they felt was
their only guarantee against a second Holocaust.