The decline of our influence and power throughout the Middle East is due to several causes. First, the loss of our Oriental Empire and of the well-placed and formidable resources of the Imperial armies in India. Second, it is due to the impression which has become widespread throughout the Middle East that Great Britain has only to be pressed sufficiently by one method or another to abandon her rights or interests in that, or indeed any other, part of the world. A third cause is the mistakes and miscalculations in policy which led to the winding up of our affairs in Palestine in such a way as to earn almost in equal degree the hatred of the Arabs and the Jews.
1951, 30 July.
Abadan, Sudan and Bevan are a trio of misfortune.
1951, 12 October. Woodford, Essex.
(CS VIII, 8262.)
Abadan was one of the locations where Iran had nationalised its oil operations and broke the Anglo-Persian oil agreements. In the Sudan, Churchill wa. s blaming Labour for having encouraged a revolt by local Egyptians. What WSC thought of Aneurin Bevan will be found in Chapter 20, People.
The Middle East is one of the hardest-hearted areas in the world. It has always been fought over, and peace has only reigned when a major power has established firm influence and shown that it would maintain its will. Your friends must be supported with every vigour and if necessary they must be avenged. Force, or perhaps force and bribery, are the only things that will be respected. It is very sad, but we had all better recognise it. At present our friendship is not valued, and our enmity is not feared.
1958. (Montague Browne, 166-7.)