In the British Empire we not only look out across the seas towards each other, but backwards to our own history, to Magna Carta, to Habeas Corpus, to the Petition of Right, to Trial by Jury, to the English Common Law and to Parliamentary democracy. These are the milestones and monuments that mark the path along which the British race has marched to leadership and freedom. And over all this, uniting each Dominion with the other and uniting us all with our majestic past, is the golden circle of the Crown. What is within the circle? Not only the glory of an ancient unconquered people, but the hope, the sure hope, of a broadening life for hundreds of millions of men.
1939, 20 April. Canada Club, London.
(CS VI, 6107.)
Churchill uses "golden circle of the Crown” in at least six speeches, meaning various things at various times, but always including Crown and Parliament, Commonwealth and Empire.
It is the golden circle of the Crown which alone embraces the loyalties of so many States and races all over the world. It is the symbol which gathers together and expresses those deep emotions and stirrings of the human heart which make men travel far to fight and die together, and cheerfully abandon material possessions and enjoyments for the sake of abstract ideas.
1945, 15 May.
As I look upon the future of our country in the changing scene of human destiny I feel the existence of three great circles among the free nations and democracies. I almost wish I had a blackboard. I would make a picture for you. I don’t suppose it would get hung in the Royal Academy, but it would illustrate the point I am anxious for you to hold in your minds. The first circle for us is naturally the British Commonwealth and Empire, with all that that comprises. Then there is also the English-speaking world in which we, Canada, and the other British Dominions and the United States play so important a part. And finally there is United Europe. These three majestic circles are co-existent and if they are linked together there is no force or combination which could overthrow them or even challenge them.
1948, 9 October, Llandudno, Wales.
(Europe, 417.)
Our cause is sacred: peace and freedom. The way for us in Britain to serve this cause is plain. There are linked together the three circles I have often described. First, the British Empire, and Commonwealth of Nations growing in moral and physical strength. Secondly, the irrevocable association of the English-speaking world, around the great republic of the United States. Thirdly, the safety and revival of Europe in her ancient fame and long-sought unity. In all these circles we in this hard-pressed but unvanquished island have a vital part to play and if we can bear the weight we may win the crown of honour.
1952, 3 May. Political Broadcast, London.
(Stemming, 286.)