Assistant Professor of History at the University of Georgia
A study of the war aims pursued by Tsarist Russia and the Russian Provisional Government between 1914 and 1917. Suggests that one of the keys to Soviet imperialism in the 1940’s was the revival by Stalin of these same war aims. Deals with the once controversial "secret treaties’’ of the Allies during the First World War. Based on Russian diplomatic documents published by the Soviet Government.
Edited by Dagohert D. Runes
Here is one of the most coni|>rehen-sive collections of philosoj>hical writings ever to be gathered between the two covers of one book. In a text of over 1200 pages, under more than. S75 separate entries, are to be found, not only the great philosopliers of the West, but the important, and less familiar, thinkers of the Orient. The selections cover the whole span of recordetl j)hilosophy —from the. Sixth Century B. C. to the present day. Each entry begins with a biographical sketch, covering the significant events in the philosopher’s life, listing his major works, and including a conci. se, careful statement of his place and importance in the history of philosophy. This is followed by one or more representative excerpts from the man’s work. Depending on the importance of its author, each excerpt runs from a few paragiaphs to several pages in length. And each is a self-contained unit of reading matter. Included as a matter of course, are the greater and lesser thinkers of the classic Greek and Roman periotls. Added to these are the great Jewish scholars of all periods; the Church Fathers of the Cihristian Era; the important Oriental teachers, and the whole prodigious line of modern philosophers, from the Renaissance to our time.