Bulgarian Historical Review, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia.
East European Quarterly, Boulder, University of Colorado.
Golos Litovskoy pravoslavnoy eparkhii (The Voice of the Lithuanian Orthodox Church), Riga.
Greek Orthodox Theological Review, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, Brookline, MA.
Istoricheskii Arkhiv (Historical Archive), Moscow.
Journal Moskovskoy Patriarkhii (Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate).
Journal of Church and State.
Naroden Pastir (People’s Pastor), Sofia.
Nauka i Religiya (Science and Religion), Moscow.
Novii Mir (New World), Moscow.
Orthodox Life, Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville, NY.
Otechestvennaya istoriya (Fatherland’s History), Moscow.
Otechstvennye arkhivy (Fatherland’s Archives), Moscow.
Religion in Communists Lands, Keston Institute, UK.
Religion, State and Society, Routledge.
Russkoe Vosrozhdenie (Russian Revival), New York.
The Church Times, London, UK.
Tserkov’ i vremya (Church and Time), Moscow.
Tserkovnyi Vestnik Zapadno-Evropeyskogo Russkogo Prasoslavnogo Eksarkhata Eparkhii (Church Gazette of the West European Russian Orthodox Exarchate), Paris.
Tserkovnyi Vestnik Zapadno-Evropeyskoy Russkoy Eparkhii (Church Gazette of the West European Russian Eparchy), Paris.
Vera i zhizn’ (Faith and Life), Riga.
Vestnik PSTGU (Gazette of St. Tikhon Orthodox Humanitarian University), Moscow. Vestnik tserkovnoy istorii (Church History Gazette), Moscow.
Voprosy Istorii (History’s Questions), Moscow.