The Maarif Matbaasi (Knowledge Press) was founded in 1307/1890. ‘Ayda Nusayr states that the press printed seventeen books between then and the end of the century.20 During the course of this study, we ourselves have been able to verify the existence of eight Turkish books published by this press. Of these works, which appeared between 1319/1901 and 1331/1913, three were printed in 1901; of these three, two—Asdr-i Cemaleddin (The Works of Cemaleddin) and el-Siyaset el-§er ‘iye fi siyddet el-rd ‘i ve saadet el-rd ’iye (Juridical Policy for the Sovereignty of the Monarch and the Happiness of His Subjects)—were printed by Asmai (Yusuf Samih) for Bereketzade Abdullah Cemaleddin. The third book was by Mehmed Arif, entitled Binbir hadis-i §erif §erhi (One Thousand and One Noble Traditions Explained). Printed at the same press was another book by Mehmed Arif, entitled Ba§imiza gelenler (What Has Befallen Us) (1903). In addition to Princess Qadriya Husayn’s Temevvucdt-i efkdr (The Undulations of Thoughts) (1330/1912), in which she brought together her religious and historical articles, Part One of her Muhadderdt-i isldm (The Virtuous Women of Islam) was printed by the Maarif Press in 1331/1913. The well-known work of history al-‘Urada fi-l-hikaya al-Seljukiya (The Returning Traveler’s Gift Concerning the Story of the Seljuks) was printed in 1908, only the introduction and supplement being in Turkish. The last book printed in Turkish at the Maarif Press was Guldeste-i hatirat (The Bouquet of Memoirs), which brings together the verses of a lady of the khedive’s palace called Gulperi.