Reference: Bryce 2009; Meyers 1997; Sasson 1995.
General: Averback, Chavalas and Weissberg 2003; J. Curtis 1982; Foster and Foster 2009; Kuhrt 1995 (history); Leick 2009; Lloyd 1984; Matthews 2003; Meyers 1997; Roaf 1990; Roux 1980; Snell 2007; Stone 2007b; Van De Mieroop 2006 (history); Weiss 1985.
Archaeology of Syria: Akkermans and Schwartz 2004.
Achaemenid Persian Empire: Curtis and Tallis 2005.
Geography and environment: Buringh 1957; Butzer 1995.
History of exploration: Larsen 1996; Lloyd 1980.
Cities and city planning: Adams 1966; Aufrecht, Mirau and Gauley 1997; Frankfort 1950; Kubba 1987; Lampl 1968; Lapidus 1969 and 1986; Oppenheim 1969; Pollock 1999; Stone 1995 and 2007a; Van De Mieroop 1997; Yoffee 2005.
Daily life: Nemet-Nejat 1998.
Population: C. Kramer 1980; Postgate 1994.
Protoliterate (Uruk) period: Adams 1966 and 1981; Adams and Nissen 1972; Algaze 1993 and 2008; Nissen 1988; Pollock 1999; Yoffee 2005.
Sumerians: Crawford 1991; S. Kramer 1963; Pollock 1999; Postgate 1992.
Art and architecture: Aruz 2003; Aruz, Benzel and Evans 2008; Collon 1995; Cooper 1990;
Frankfort 1989; Gunter 1990; Lloyd 1984; I. Winter 1985.
Cylinder seals: Collon 1987.
Food: Wilkins, Harvey and Dobson 1995.
Materials and industries: Moorey 1994.
Religion: Jacobsen 1976; Black and Green 1992.
Royal rituals: Kuhrt 1987.
Writing: Michalowski 1990; Pollock 1999; Schmandt-Besserat 1996; C. B. F. Walker, in Hooker et al. 1996.
Specific cities
Babylon: Oates 1979.
Habuba Kabira: Strommenger 1985.
Khafajeh: Delougaz 1940.
Mari: Gates 1984; Margueron 2004 (in French).
Nimrud: Cohen and Kangas 2010; Mallowan 1966; Oates and Oates 2001.
Nineveh: Lumsden 1991.
Persepolis: Schmidt 1953; Wilber 1989.
Ur: Canby 2001; Moorey 1977; Pollock 1991; Woolley 1934 and 1982; Zettler and Horne 1998. Uruk: Adams and Nissen 1972; Liverani 2006; Nissen 1990 and 1995.