By Thomas Hopen and Richard Brown of MVA, Inc., Norcross, Ga., using polarized light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry, and analytical electron microscopy.
7 The glass microspheres used were Scotchlite Glass Bubbles.
8 The technique involves the application of a stable thermoplastic resin solution in a chamber saturated with the solvent in which the resin is dissolved. Acryloid B-72 and polyvinyl acetate have been used successfully under such conditions. Hansen’s method differs from past uses of solvent-saturated environments in that the object is placed in the chamber prior to, rather than after, the application of solvents. This induces further penetration of the resin solution without increasing solution viscosity at the surface, thus encouraging efficient wetting of the pigment particles and even distribution of the resin solution.
9 A supporting maple-wood frame was constructed by Hugh Glover, conservator of furniture and wooden objects, Williamstown Art Conservation Center, and was installed around the existing plywood backing of the wall painting. The design and materials described here were chosen for their strength and easy reversibility. The frame was sized to snugly fit the plywood backing and to sit below the surface of the wall painting. Four maple battens were screwed into the back to trap the plywood backing. Screws were also used to fasten the battens to the maple frame as well as the plywood backing. The areas of the spandrels were filled with plywood. Three lengths of 1-inch (2.64 cm) aluminum channel were screwed to the plywood backing within the recess created by the new framing.
Acryloid B-72 is a copolymer of ethylmethacrylate/methacrylate (70/30) produced by Rohm and Haas, Philadelphia, PA. Acryloid B-72 is also known as Paraloid B-72.
Ethulose is a water-soluble cellulose ether composed of ethyl hydroxyethylcellulose. The ethulose used was obtained from Conservation Materials, Ltd., Sparks, NV 89431.
Flashe® 1300 colors are water-soluble matte colors manufactured by Lefranc and Bourgeois, LeMans, France, using a vinyl emulsion binder.
Groom/stick is described by the manufacturer (Picreator Enterprises Ltd., London) as a processed, kneadable, natural rubber that is free of moisture, solvents, and chemical additives.
Methylcellulose is a water-soluble cellulose ether. The material used was obtained from Gaylord Brothers, Syracuse, NY.
Poly Filla is a synthetic compound of calcium sulfate with cellulose filler manufactured by LePage Ltd., Bremalia, Ontario, Canada.
Polyvinyl butyral is a polyvinyl acetal. The PVB used is marketed as Mowital B60H, and is available from Hoechst, Charlotte, NC.
Scotchlite Glass Bubbles, 3M Corp., St. Paul, MN.
Soda-lime borosilicate glass manufactured by 3M Specialty Additives, St. Paul, MN.
Hanna, S., N. Lee, and G. Foster
Three bodhisattvas: The conservation of a fifteenth century Chinese wall painting in the British Museum collection. In Conservation Today: Papers Presented at the ukic SGth Anniversary Conference, London, ed. V. Todd, 130-34. London: ukic.
Hansen, E. F., R. Lowinger, and E. Sadoff
Consolidation of porous paint in a vapor-saturated atmosphere: A technique for mininmizing changes in the appearance of powdering, matte paint. Journal of the aic 32(1):1-14.
Mora, P., L. Mora, and P. Philippot
The Conservation of Wall Paintings. London: Butterworths.