In contrast to the vast literature on the imperial army, recent publications on the army of the Republic are sparse. The last extensive coverage of the republican army is Keppie 1984, which is good on strictly military affairs. A very good and excellently illustrated introduction to Roman warfare in general can be found in the first chapters of Goldsworthy 2000a. Sabin 2000 offers a detailed analysis of the experience of battle. A modern study of the development of the army in the context of Republican society, economy, and demography, however, remains a desideratum. Rosenstein 1999 offers a brief, but stimulating view on these matters. Similar discussions concerning the fourth and early third centuries are Harris 1990a and Oakley 1993. On army and warfare in early Rome, Cornell 1995 is essential (though sometimes controversial) reading. On warfare in archaic Italy, see Rawlings 1999. Regarding the age of overseas expansion, see Lazenby 1996 on the First Punic War; Cornell
1996; Daly 2002 on the Second Punic War. Harris 1979 emphasizes the militaristic nature of Roman society, but see also Rich 1993 (and elsewhere in this volume). Rosenstein 1990 discusses the role of military success in the career of the aristocracy. A basic quantitative study of manpower still is Brunt 1971a. Rich 1983, Rathbone 1993a, Lo Cascio 2001, and Rosenstein 2004 review the evidence on recruitment and manpower, but without reaching consensus on many issues. Erdkamp 1998 offers an investigation of how republican society and economy functioned in times of war, focusing on military provisioning as well as civilian food supply. The first part of Roth 1999 is an excellent study of military logistics during the Middle and Late Republic. Few publications deal with the late republican army in general; see on warfare in this period Goldsworthy 1996. On the Roman cavalry in the Middle and Late Republic: McCall 2002. On the role of the army in society and politics, see Brunt 1988a, Patterson 1993, and de Blois 2000.